Creative Reflection

 So I realized I didnt mention what the ccr is oops. Ccr stand for creative critical reflection the whole point of this activity is to revise and critize the whole progress of the film opening and overal just answer some critical questions. The ccr is 2 parts the first one I chose to do was an interview. The so called interview is just a one on one conversation in which someone will asks me questions about the film, now as for the second one it will be a video like that of a director commentary explaining mostly the strategies and film production and how the whole film opening was edited.

So to begin my first ccr I will be getting interviewed by one of my friends. I took inspiration from podcasts and overall interviewing scenes from talk shots as well. But here are some examples of my intended idea. 

As you can see there is some items a nice background and both people have some sort of cup or drink so I want to find a way to apply all these things to my interview to make it realistic.

Lastly I had to develop a script that would assist me in making my project just overall look more realistic and also answer the critical questions that we were given so here is the script I came up with 

Of course I cant memorize all of this but this is a rough idea of what I want to say and what I intend on responding hopefully it all comes out good and once I finish Recording ill put examples here of how the shots looked and the overall vibe it gave. 

So I did finish recording and here is how it looked im honesty pleased and think I made it look as best as possible but well see once it comes down to atually editing and finishing it up 

Now I also began the creation of my ccr number 2 the director commentary this video will be a youtube style video in which I will explain the production skills I developed in the project and the technologies used from the video it will be around 3 minutes long I as well developed a script for this explaining my favorite parts of the film and overall responding to the questions without them being actually asked here is the script I came up with 

Well basically that is the end of the road. Thank you all for following my aice media project adventure and after all the sweat and stress it is finished I will be uploading both ccrs and then my actual film opening soon I hope you guys enjoy and like I said thank you for everything.

Editing part 3 sound and credits

 So I am now back and I began the audio part of the process so luckily I did not need to do as much with this step now that does not mean that it was not important in fact audio is a really big part of my film opening. 

The audio in my film is what creates the sense of a sad mood so the way I did this was by muffling a part of the audio whenver it jumps to the perspective or overall shots of the main character sebas aswell I added a non copy right sound track of melancholy music which I found trough an audio database Im pretty happy with how it has been coming out and overall the audio seemed right I also went ahead and added a small part in which the dialogue is easier to hear since the camera gets closer to one of the characters. This hopefully will give it an effect as if the reader was a part of the conversation.

Lastly I pretty much used the audio I got from the recording of the shots and only added small amount of audio and edited the volume and compression of it. Here is some of the process. 

Here I want to show the audio pause I did now I do not plan on doing all the editing on capcut and if anthing I will make changes through a different software but here the audio pause I mentioned was the music I involved ending as the main character is touched by the female character I was extremly happy with how it came out and cant wait to show you guys with the finished product

In this image you can see short cuts in the audio these cuts are the noise slowly fading away as jumpcuts show my main character walking away I still have to get some timing right and overall fix a couple minor issues but it should come out perfectly.

Lastly I want to mention that I finished editing by implementing the final thing I needed the credits for the film. The order for the credits was in a strange way since I wanted to show my title at the end and most of the credits as the opening goes on.

Here is a list of the credits I implemented:
Main actors
Lastly here is an example of the font I used and what the credits look like in the actual opening

Well thats all for editing basically done with the project just need to begin the ccr and edit that and we should be all done all I want to say is thank you for watching the journey of the creation of the opening for not alone all the creative input it gave me and ideas were extremly fun and im exited to show the final product see you guys soon!

Editing part 2 Effects

 Hey guys back on the editing but this time im editing the effects of my film and overall editing the actual look of the shots I took

I simply began by editing the saturation and coloring of the shots through a different software although not a very good software for editing I had to use Capcut. The reason for this is that I had to reput together the film opening because my laptop had an issue with the editing software I was using and unlucky for me that was the first time it has ever happened. While I fix that so I can begin sound editing I began by using built in effects from capcut and filters to make my image look better

Here are examples of the before and after 

In these shots the before is the top one and the after is the bottom on as you can see I implemented different editing plans for example effects and color changes to add more brightness to the actual film. The whole point of this is to show the "happier" people with a more bright and colorfull shot.

In the other hand I did the opposite here although I did use effects and messing around with saturation and other things I  made the image darker my reason for this is to show the gloomy world in which my character lives in.

Im honestly very happy with the way all these effects came together and im even happier with how its coming out. What I have next is a sound editing blog which like I said in the past blog will be seperate since I am in the middle of break and have some things to take care of like me becoming a US Citizen! but thats all for today and ill see you guys soon!

Editing day 1

 So I decided to devide my editing in shorter blogs since its gonna take me a while after looking at it.

I want to begin by showing the actual putting together of the film and explaining the software I used and why.

So I decided to edit my project through davinci resolve since it is a editing plataform I have used before and so I have overall experience using it, it is also very easy to use and there is various tutorials online as to how to use this software but if necessary once I begin sound and effect editing then I will use different softwares to give it the look I intend on achieveing. I also came up with a title and decided to name the film "Not Alone" honestly very simple and straight forward but I think it will help the viewer kind of understand the film opening. 

So to beging I began by creating a new project in davinci resolve to add the videos I took into the editing software 

Through here all I had to do was access my folder with all the imported videos from my camera in which I filmed with to export them into the software and then start grouping them

Here is the simple and striaght forwards proccess of just dragging the video into the davinci resolve timeline and the final product would look like this.

With all the shots I took now in the timeline I can begin shortening and extending them and overall just adjusting the image to better fit the idea that I have of the film now all thats left to do is beging the sound and effect editing which due to plans my mom made I can not currently do. But I will make a blog post actually begining that progress next week see you guys next time!


 Since its spring break I was able to gather only a couple people sadly to film I got 4 friends to help me film and 2 of them are actually also taking aice media so im using theyre creative imput to see if I make any changes any how here is how filming went 

This is my main actors Isabel, And Lote they are going to be playing the girl who takes interest in the main character on the main character.

So we arrived at the filming location and immideatly we began recording since the sunrise was still visible. I began by taking an opening shot of the area by taking a video of the beach and waves and sunrise this will be used as my establishing shot for my film opening which will the be followed by the title which I have yet to come up with sadly.

Afterwards we began filming with taking simple shots for example the long shot of the main character which I will name sebastian after my friend under the pier viewing the group of teenagers conversating. After wards I took a mediium shot of the group conversating following a medium shot too show more expression in my other character which I will name Isa. Then I took the long shots of the characters walking that I mentioned and I continued with my Shot list which I updated recently. But the filming ended up going according to plan and here are some images of what the shots will look like but without the editing since I have yet to get to that part. 

Well thats a quick sneak peak at some of the shots I took for the film and hopefully the idea pulls through once I get to actually editing all of it together im overall very exited to show the final product and well discuss the editing proccedure once I am able to begin it since like I said spring break has started and theres a lot going on but hopefully im done soon. See you guys next time!

Change of plans!

 So sady there had to be a change of plans regarding my filming location, since Fort Lauderdale was extremly packed nd my actors werent able to go to that beach so I decided to take the film opening to dania beach instead.

Here are some photos of what I intend to do with some of the things around the beach and just overall some visuals of where the film will take place.

This is dania beach pier so I came up with the idea of making the character isolated by initially showing him under the pier all by himslef to kind of give him that sad lonley mood that I have intended. The pier bottom of the pier also just adds to the intended vibe im going for as if my main character is trying to "hide away" so hopefully this works

Now this is the dania beach marina this marina is located as you can see in the image on the opposite side of where the pier is located my porpuse for this is to show the character walking towards this area to isolate himself and just breathe. Kind of allowing him to just relax since he is just not used to being around much social interaction.

Lastly I want to just use of course the beach I want to make all my characters walk long the beach but seperting the small friend group and then my main character. The main character will of course be walking isolated and will be going in front of the group since I made a change in which a member in the group will be the one interested in including the so called main character.

Well thats all for now and I think my idea will follow through but well see as the day of actually filming arrives. 

Film colors

 Hey guys im back this post is just to show examples of how I want the film to look so it wont be way to long. So I was talking to a close friend of mine about some ideas as to how the film should look and I decided to actually switch it I wanna make a short pov shot in which it will be the pov of my main chracter and will use more cool tones for example. 

Now I dont really want to make it wayyy to dark but I do wanna show the difference in color since like I said before I want his perspective of the world to look sadder. Now I know this will probably be a bit more diffcult to achieve so im gonna ask Mrs.Stocklosa for a bit of help and also do some research on how to achieve this. I will update you guys on this on my next blog.

Now as to my normal shots and the rest of the film I want to use more bright tones to show how "happy" the world is but in these scenario not to my character. A great example and actually my insipiration on how to show this color would be the colos they used in the move "The florida project" here is an example. 

As you can see the colors are brighter and overall look very vibrant now this is what I want to do like I said for the rest of the shots. I want to make it seem like the world is happy around him but sadly in  his perspective it is not. 

Hopefully all my ideas come to life when recording but like I said Im gonna have to ask mrs stocklosa for some tips and do some research next week we start filming too! But yea ill see you guys next blog!

possible filming locations

Hey guys im back. So today I wanna show you guys the film location I have selected, I chose Fort Lauderale beach! The reason why I made this choice since its close by and overall convinient for all my actors which are just my friends. Another reason as to why I made this choice was since a lot of people are gonna be there during my time of recording soooo if i record from distance from all the people it will show the isolation of my main chracter maybe it will even help me find a couple of actors to play the background characters that you dont really get to meet. But yea here are some pictures of the area and what I intend to do in these places 

So what I want to do here I want to ask the life guards if its ok if i record under the station so that it looks like my character is hiding, hopefully they say yes if not ill just do it on where you see the beach chair on the right but like I said hoopefully they say yes!

Now here what I want to do if you see those kind of pillars with a place to sit I want to take a shot of people cleaning themsleves up there and then just have the main character more to the side kind of doing his own thing to show his isolation from the group its just gonna help me create that feeling of loneliness. 

Now here is aother similar photo but the reason why I chose this one is since you can see the path walk along the left. My intention here is to show my character walking by himself behind the group to kind of portray that feeling of speration on the viewer. I want to also add the voice over of him talking to himself during his scene to then a cut of kind of sad/grunge music allowing me to show that feeling of seperation.

Well thats pretty much all for now most of my shots will be tracking hand held camera shots but like I said hopefully the life guards allow me to record there and hopefully I can show the seperation of my charcter from the others in the film I think I got this and im pretty happy with my setting selection im gonna ask Mrs. Stoklosa for more tips when I see her on monday.

setting up misce en scene and props

 Today I started actually creating more costume design and props for the film opening. I had a couple ideas but I figured it might become slightly difficult to show my intended idea by wearing summer beach clothes lowkey shouldve have though about that but whatever. To actually start my initial idea was to make the main character wear dark clothing and so i browsed around some ideas of what I could do sadly I lost those images so imma just have to explain.

For like I said my mc what I wanna do is make him feel left out different and look sad so I wanna use dark clothes, now since it is spring/summer time in the film opening I kind of had to figure out what to use for clothes what I have intention on doing is making him wear a dark bathing sit preferably black and a hoodie since I checked the weather for this week and its gonna be most likely windy hopefully the weather does its work. Here is an example of the clothes I want to use honestly not too necessary but just in cas


So yea thats the idea I have like I said pretty basic now as for my background characters and other characters I want to use brighter colors since I think it would caputure his kind of "seperation" I was thinking light tones of blue, yellow, green, and etc just colors that might be more vibrant and show that the other people are "happier" so yea here are some exmples. 

Here are the examples. Well thats pretty much all for today hopefully the costume design works out for my intended message and well yea well see if it works in the final film. See u guys soon!

Group discussion

Hi guys this project just keeps on progressing not going to lie gets more difficult every time I think about it but that is not the point today, we got started in class by watching a ted talk from one of the co-founders of Pixar it was about how to story tell properly. The ted talk was extremely interesting and gave me some more understanding as to how make my story better. One key element he stated was that if I can create curiosity or wonder in the viewer, my story will be successful. There are many ways in which this can be achievable, but I think I have developed an overall idea.

While talking with the people in my group I realized it was a better idea to either minimize the amount of people in the film opening since it might be difficult to have many people be available or if anything I will only use the main characters as actual actors and try to find a group of people to assist me.

Another thing that the group helped me realize was that I had to figure out more techniques that would show my main character's loneliness since well I only have one element right now which would be to fade noise away to show him becoming distant. I researched ways that I could send my intended message and through the research I found out ways to show the character “separated” is through dialogue and physical aspects one of these aspects will be the dark clothing I have mentioned before I also want to add some sort of fidgeting to show he is stressed and last but not least make him talk to himself. The way I want to do this is by adding to the script for the film an opening and voice over which would show the character's thoughts instead of him talking alone, showing him overthinking and overall being anxious.

Here is the article I used:

Overall, this group activity helped me finalize how I'm going to really reach my audience and make my intended film opening come to life. Although I have a lot more work to do, I am on the right track to see you guys' next blog!

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