Planning part two (story board)

 So today is actually my 18th Birthday. I planned to post this post during the weekend but though it would be better to just do it today and get it over with. For this post I wanted to develop my social media but was not able to because I was not able to connect with the artist. I wanted to receive some inspiration and Information from him and ask him for pictures so that I can make the Instagram better but since its not possible currently I decided to do the story board for the video.

I came up with a genetic idea last time during the outline and this just an addition to that showcasing some of the type o shots and the general idea that I came up with here is what I ended up doing.

  1. Opening Scene: Wide shot of the forest at dawn; slow zoom into the singer’s face as he walks. Make the singer seem alone and in distress about him being lonely. Make him seem to be singing with pain about the topic.

  2. Judgement Flashbacks: Quick cuts of the judgmental people and then lead back to the singer. Mai point of this scene will be to showcase the pain that the judgement has and then showcase how it now reflects on the artist.

  3. Invitation Scene: Close-up of the singer’s reaching hands as a symbol of invitation. This will be used to transition into showcasing the people. Main point of this scene will be to show that they singer wants to be inclusive and show companionship to others.

  4. Gathering Together: Shots of diverse individuals’ emotional expressions while walking. This will be done to also show the emotions that others feel when being judged or not included in a group. This scene should cause the feeling of needing companionship.

  5. Singer in the forest: Show singer alone and the people slowly get to him and show them that there is people out there who are inclusive with the true word of god. Main point of this is to show that these individuals are not alone and that there is a healthy environment in religion.

  6. Celebration Scene: Wide shot of everyone together and close ups of people being happy about finding each other. Showcase the unity of the religion and show that everyone should be supportive and inclusive to make everyone feel better and come together as a group.

I know its very similar to the outline but the main point of this was to help me develop a better idea of the story part of the music video because my main intention is to make the singers point be heard. But I think this was a good part of the process might need to do some changes as we go but for now this should help me. But time to go enjoy my birthday now hopefully I am able to connect with the singer and make the social media!
  1. Emerging from the Forest: Final shot of the group walking out, bright light ahead symbolizing hope and unity.

Planning part one (outline)

 Ok so this is the beginning of the planning process. If I am able to plan this properly then the project should come out as the way I hope. For the first part of planning I went along and created a general outline for the project. This outline is something that I hope to follow that will help develop the meaning of the project and overall just help me have a guide to make sure that this comes out as expected. The outline is gonna be for how I want the music video to go and what things should be implemented to help me reach the meaning that the artist wants to reach. This might change after I talk with the artist again and if it does I will show you guys the changes but to conclude here is the outline I came out with.

1. Opening Scene

  • Visuals: Shots of forest with singer in the background. Music starts playing.
  • Action: Camera showcasing a different part of set forest which then reveals tranquil a stream. Singer walks slowly through the woods, looking contemplative.
  • Themes: Nature as a place of connection with one self.

2. Verse 1: Highlighting Toxic Christianity

  • Visuals: The singer recalls memories of seeing people be judgmental of their peers (flashback sequences).
  • Action: Scenes of people standing in judgment, waving religious texts, and pointing fingers at others who don't fit their ideals.
  • Themes: The harm toxic religion can have.

3. Chorus: Call for others

  • Visuals: Closeups of the singer’s face to showcase the emotion and sincerity. (make him seem lonely)
  • Action: The singer surrounded by trees sings ( I will try to edit the trees to seem to be joining each other)
  • Themes: Connection.

4. Verse 2: Gathering Together

  • Visuals: Transition to different individual walking through the forest, drawn by the music.
  • Action: Each character reflects on their experiences.
  • Themes: Different perspectives.

5. Bridge: The Turning Point

  • Visuals: The camera focuses on the singer standing by himself
  • Action: Singer continues to sing and try to deliver the message
  • Themes: Seeking those similar

6. Chorus: Collective Strength

  • Visuals: Everyone meets and stays with the singer. The forest is vibrant and the people connect. 
  • Action: The group joins hands and hangs out together showing the unity.
  • Themes: The power of community.

7. Outro: Leaving the Forest

  • Visuals: The camera shows the group leaving forest with singer
  • Action: They walk happy together and show that unity is important
  • Themes: Being inclusive and understanding makes a group stronger.
example of possible setting.

Researching similar social medias

  Hi everyone we are back, today I will be doing research to develop a better social media page by using inspiration from other artists whom also have the same idea as the artist I am working with. 

To start of the first social media of someone who I wanted to research is the artists Hozier. Hozier is known for his very specific music intake. He was also mentioned on my research on artists who are similar to the artist I am working with. To summarize his music usually tends to have some religious themes and he confronts the toxic political and religious problems in the world. 

The first thing that I researched from Hozier's social media was his Instagram page.   

The first thing I noticed from his social media page was that he uses very similar colors and ideas for his posts and keeps a certain look. Most of his posts conceded of things such as photos of him performing with his guitar or announcements about places where he would be performing in. Overall his page had a very simple look to it and kept a similar vibe throughout most of its posts. 

in addition to some of the things I found to be useful about the type of posts Hozier makes is that they all seem very inspiring and fit the theme of that gospel aesthetic. The posts seem to showcase him very vibrantly and showcase him inspirationally. I want to be able to reach this similar vibe that Hozier gives while working with the artist to make the point of the music video more prominent. 

The next artist I did research on was the artist Noah Kahan the American song writer is known for his countryfolk style similar to that of Hozier's. 

Noah Kahan has been an inspirational artist for many and has continued to make various hits that showcase his true meaning when making music. The music he makes is known for its pop culture style with a  twist of sounds of banjos and mandolins. Overall both him and Hozier are similar since they both explore similar themes such as love and connecting with nature. They also both are very good at having emotional delivery and display meaning in their music which is exactly what we want to do with the music video. 

Noah Kahan's post were similar to Hozier's they both has that earthy vibe and used the same colors most of the time. Another thing they had in similar was that they both had the same inspirational gospel like posts where they show themselves singing amongst a crowd and showcase an inspirational atmosphere. Overall it was clear that to make the social media page good I have to try and reach this same inspirational aspect of both the artist's post.

Overall researching has helped me understand what I will need to develop to make the meaning of the music video more impactful and to make the social media more engaging. Hopefully I can reach this intended idea. 

Project scheduling

 Hi guys today I will be planning the schedule me and the artist I am working with will be using. Hopefully this schedule goes well and if we follow it we should be able to properly create the music video and make it a success!

Week 1:

  • Blog #1- Introduction to project blog
  • Blog #2 -the current blog 
  • Blog #3 -choose genre research
First week Goals
-Meet up with artist and introduce the project to him to help develop a general idea of what we want to do.
-Research Various individuals who are similar to the artist I am working with to help develop a general idea
-Take the general idea gained from both of the past goals and form a well initial construct.

Week 2: 
  • Blog #1 and Blog #2- Do more research on similar artists 
  • Blog #3- Research music videos
Second week goals
-Research artists who have similar interests, ideas, and genre so that I can develop a even better idea as to who I am working with and what we are working with.
-Research Music videos from these similar artists to help develop a common ground and get inspiration to make the music video better.

Week 3: 
  • Blog #1- research similar social media pages 
  • Blog #2- Planning part one (outline) 
  • Blog #3- Planning part two (storyboard)
Third week goals
-Connect with artists to develop the general outline
-Plan the general outline and come up with a final outline of the music video
-Develop a story board which will be used to create the meaningful impact of the video
-Connect with artist to show outline and story board

Week 4: 
  • Blog #1- Planning part three (shooting schedule and shot list)
  • Blog #2- Planning part four (editing schedule) 
  • Blog #3- Group meeting blog
Fourth week goals
-Develop the editing schedule to help make editing simple and easy
-Develop the shot list with locations so that when it comes to the time of shooting the process is simple and overall non complicated
-Take inspiration from group meeting and potentially make changes

Week 5:
  • Blog #1- Production process part one (Location scouting)
  • Blog #2- Production process part two (filming part one) 
  • Blog  #3- Research of print components
Fifth week goals
- Find good locations for the music video that will make it stand out and emphasize the meaning
-Film first parts of music video and take shots to see if changes need to be made
-Research the print component of the project to develop a general idea as to what could be done.

Week 6: 
  • Blog #1 and Blog #2- Production part three and four (filming part two and three)
  • Blog #3- research for critical reflection
Sixth week goals
-Have successful filming days and come out with intended shots
- Research for critical reflection to help make the process easier and just capture an understanding of what could be done to make this efficient

Week 7:
  • Blog #1- Production part five (changes made)
  • Blog #2- Production part six (filming part four)
  • Blog #3- Planning for critical reflection part one
Seventh week Goals
-Make good changes and analyze decisions to improve project
-Same as last week

Week 8:
  • Blog #1 and Blog #2- Production part seven and eight (editing part one and two)
  • Blog #3- Planning for critical reflection part two
Eighth week goals
-Perform good editing strategies to build a stable idea as to how the video should come out in the end process
-Plan for critical reflection to have ease when doing it

Week 9: 
  • Blog #1- Final comments
  • Blog #2- Links to project
  • Blog #3- Critical reflection
Ninth week goals
-Submit an amazing well done project
-Submit a successful critical reflection

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Planning part two (story board)

 So today is actually my 18th Birthday. I planned to post this post during the weekend but though it would be better to just do it today and...