So today is actually my 18th Birthday. I planned to post this post during the weekend but though it would be better to just do it today and get it over with. For this post I wanted to develop my social media but was not able to because I was not able to connect with the artist. I wanted to receive some inspiration and Information from him and ask him for pictures so that I can make the Instagram better but since its not possible currently I decided to do the story board for the video.
I came up with a genetic idea last time during the outline and this just an addition to that showcasing some of the type o shots and the general idea that I came up with here is what I ended up doing.
Opening Scene: Wide shot of the forest at dawn; slow zoom into the singer’s face as he walks. Make the singer seem alone and in distress about him being lonely. Make him seem to be singing with pain about the topic.
Judgement Flashbacks: Quick cuts of the judgmental people and then lead back to the singer. Mai point of this scene will be to showcase the pain that the judgement has and then showcase how it now reflects on the artist.
Invitation Scene: Close-up of the singer’s reaching hands as a symbol of invitation. This will be used to transition into showcasing the people. Main point of this scene will be to show that they singer wants to be inclusive and show companionship to others.
Gathering Together: Shots of diverse individuals’ emotional expressions while walking. This will be done to also show the emotions that others feel when being judged or not included in a group. This scene should cause the feeling of needing companionship.
Singer in the forest: Show singer alone and the people slowly get to him and show them that there is people out there who are inclusive with the true word of god. Main point of this is to show that these individuals are not alone and that there is a healthy environment in religion.
Celebration Scene: Wide shot of everyone together and close ups of people being happy about finding each other. Showcase the unity of the religion and show that everyone should be supportive and inclusive to make everyone feel better and come together as a group.
Emerging from the Forest: Final shot of the group walking out, bright light ahead symbolizing hope and unity.
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