Planning part one (outline)

 Ok so this is the beginning of the planning process. If I am able to plan this properly then the project should come out as the way I hope. For the first part of planning I went along and created a general outline for the project. This outline is something that I hope to follow that will help develop the meaning of the project and overall just help me have a guide to make sure that this comes out as expected. The outline is gonna be for how I want the music video to go and what things should be implemented to help me reach the meaning that the artist wants to reach. This might change after I talk with the artist again and if it does I will show you guys the changes but to conclude here is the outline I came out with.

1. Opening Scene

  • Visuals: Shots of forest with singer in the background. Music starts playing.
  • Action: Camera showcasing a different part of set forest which then reveals tranquil a stream. Singer walks slowly through the woods, looking contemplative.
  • Themes: Nature as a place of connection with one self.

2. Verse 1: Highlighting Toxic Christianity

  • Visuals: The singer recalls memories of seeing people be judgmental of their peers (flashback sequences).
  • Action: Scenes of people standing in judgment, waving religious texts, and pointing fingers at others who don't fit their ideals.
  • Themes: The harm toxic religion can have.

3. Chorus: Call for others

  • Visuals: Closeups of the singer’s face to showcase the emotion and sincerity. (make him seem lonely)
  • Action: The singer surrounded by trees sings ( I will try to edit the trees to seem to be joining each other)
  • Themes: Connection.

4. Verse 2: Gathering Together

  • Visuals: Transition to different individual walking through the forest, drawn by the music.
  • Action: Each character reflects on their experiences.
  • Themes: Different perspectives.

5. Bridge: The Turning Point

  • Visuals: The camera focuses on the singer standing by himself
  • Action: Singer continues to sing and try to deliver the message
  • Themes: Seeking those similar

6. Chorus: Collective Strength

  • Visuals: Everyone meets and stays with the singer. The forest is vibrant and the people connect. 
  • Action: The group joins hands and hangs out together showing the unity.
  • Themes: The power of community.

7. Outro: Leaving the Forest

  • Visuals: The camera shows the group leaving forest with singer
  • Action: They walk happy together and show that unity is important
  • Themes: Being inclusive and understanding makes a group stronger.
example of possible setting.

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